We need your help. This appreciation weekend could bring in a few thousand veterans, active military, and their families. Key to making this a successful event is for participants to know how much Angel Fire values them and their service. we want to do this in tangible benefits and personal welcomes.
When: February 20-22, 2015
Where: Angel Fire Ski Resort
The Resort has extended extraordinary discounts, but we want visitors to enjoy our entire community. We encourage businesses to participate tangibly in one of three ways:
1. Provide at least a 25% discount generally or for some lead product or service, e.g. equipment rentals, entrees, popular gift items, etc
2. Provide up to 1,000 small items we could place in “Swag Bags” that will be given to each family, e.g. your branded chap stick, coupons, stickers, buttons, etc.
3. Cash donations. If the first two are not convenient, funds are still needed to support weekend activities. In future years, we will seek major funding from more regional and national enterprises so we don’t have to ask local businesses for direct financial support.
All businesses that provide any of the above will be provided an American flag to display at your business so participants can easily spot where they will get great deals or who has supported them.
The most important outcome is how we welcome our military guests. We have done this naturally for decades so we know all of us who work in the village will excel!
Your donation is tax deductible. Not Forgotten Outreach is a 501(c)(3) (IRS #46-2052184) and is managing the finances at both locations. If your support is financial, please annotate “Military Ski Weekend” on your check to NFO.
Thank you,
Mike Liddle
Fundraising Chairman for Angel Fire Weekend
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