By Jo Mixon
A few weeks ago we emailed a survey to all of our members with the desire to hear what you like, what you dislike and gauge the job we are doing at the Chamber. I have to tell you, I braced myself, thinking there might be a few answers with strong displeasure. But we wanted to hear it. Our desire is to always be striving towards a better organization to serve our members and our community in the best possible ways! Some people emailed us and said they couldn’t open the survey with their browsers, so we also made it available at our last quarterly membership breakfast meeting.
We’d like to share the questions and the results:
1. How many years have you been a member of the Angel Fire Chamber of Commerce?
1-3 yrs = 14
4-8 yrs = 8
8 or more yrs = 18
2. Do you take advantage of the monthly eBlast advertising benefit of your membership?
Yes = 28
No = 12
3. Have you attended a Chamber function within the last year?
(Sept. 2014 to Sept 2015) Many people wrote in the functions they attended.
No = 1
Yes = 2
Business After Hours = 28
All of them = 5
Flea Market = 3
Christmas Dinner = 31
Annual Dinner = 16
Membership Breakfasts meetings = 20
Habla Tamale = 15
Cash Mob = 1
Spare Part Art Auction = 1
4. Do you volunteer, serve on a committee, or sponsor Chamber events or functions?
Yes = 9
No = 31
5. What benefits would you like to see added to your Chamber membership benefits?
None = 31
Free Money = 1
Stand Alone Building with neon signs = 1
Local Discounts to business members = 2
Featured articles in local publications = 1
Tickets to Six Flags = 1
Workshops, seminars, training = 1
Group Insurance Coverage = 1
Gift Cards to OutBack Steak House or Cabelas = 1
6. Are there workshops you would like the Chamber to bring to Angel Fire that might help you to improve your business? Would you be willing to pay a fee for these workshops?
No = 23
Yes and yes = 9
Yes, Internet Marketing and yes would pay a fee = 3
Quick Books, excel, build your own website & yes would pay a fee = 2
Social Media Marketing and yes would pay a fee = 1
Quilting, gardening, jewelry making = 1
Seminars about the purple flowers that are here in summer =- 1
Quick Books and would pay $50.00 for fee = 1
Google = 1
7a. What was your favorite program or event the Chamber has sponsored?
I Know Jo = 14
Habla Tamale = 7
Business After Hours = 5
Weekly Inquiries that you send to the businesses = 3
Cash Mob = 3
Quarterly Membership Breakfast Meetings = 2
Holiday Receipt Contest = 1
Annual Dinner = 1
Christmas Dinner = 1
Blue Hawaii Skit at Dinner = 1
Shop Local = 1
Flea Market = 1
7b. 2nd favorite?
Dinners = 3
Shop Local Receipt Contest = 3
Business After Hours = 3
Cash Mob = 3
Habla Tamale = 2
Spare Part Art = 2
Flea Market = 1
7c. Least Favorite?
Crash the Course = 10
Las Vegas Raffle = 2
Shop Local = 2
Cash Mob = 2
Spare Part Art Auction = 1
8. With what are you most pleased about the job the Chamber is doing?
Weekly eBlast = 8
I Know Jo = 6
Business After Hours = 2
Growth = 1
* I think the Chamber does a good job communicating with it members.
*The Chamber didn’t discriminate against non-members last year for the Holiday Receipt Contest and the shop local campaign.
*The Chamber Exec. Dir. is very active and creative. Prints my posters and flyers for me and helps with my ads.
*Exposing Angel Fire to the nation spotlight with I Know Jo articles and her marketing skills.
*You elected a smokin’ hot President.
*B.A.H, but want it to be a members only function.
*Inclusiveness; Works with all the members.
*The Chamber brings faces into businesses.
*You give me many referrals- I think the Chamber is doing a good job.
*Advertises my business very well.
*Keeps the community spirits high and provides members the opportunity to get together.
* Sends me customers, gives me great referrals.
*Best Executive Director we have ever had.
*Love the job the Chamber is doing. Public relations & local events are covered well and with enthusiasm. Advertising in the Blast is easy and well done.
*Executive Director is friendly and active in the community.
*Love what the Chamber is doing.
*Love the current E.D.
*Gets my business out there.
*BAH networking opportunities
*All the effort put in by the Executive Director with unfortunately so little money to work with.
*Loved the amount of people Habla Tamale brought into Angel Fire.
*Info available about programs/businesses and how to access them to improve my business has been great.
*I love what the Chamber is doing both local and in public relations.
9. With what are you displeased about the job the Chamber is doing and how would you suggest we implement change to make it better?
Not displeased = 30
*There is nothing I am displeased about, but more community support for the chamber would be great.
*I want to see the Chamber get more involved in Tourism.
*I want more events like in Red River.
*Post more pictures of different people in the newsletter and eBlast
*In the past two years there has been no tourism presence or programs from the Chamber, we want the Chamber involved in tourism and in marketing Angel Fire.
*The financial ability to keep the Chamber staffed seems to be a problem. With so little money the Chamber has to work with and can only afford part time help, the board members should be required to volunteer in the office on a rotating basis.
*I’d like to see Cash Mob restored
*The Chamber should seek more opportunities to invite businesses to consider relocation to Angel Fire. To achieve this maybe hold an Angel Fire Business Invitational. This would be a tour of Angel Fire commercial land. Have the Resort give tours and comp the event. Have the Angel Fire Village hold “We Are Angel Fire” intro meetings with the important people of the village. Maybe get Nancy to give sleigh ride tours.
*I had problems for a while receiving my weekly inquiries.
*Would like to see the Chamber represented on the village Economic Development committee.
Thank you to all of our members who took the time to fill out this survey! It is really good to know that you support us and believe we are doing a good job and also the areas in which we need improvement.
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