The Angel Fire Chamber Traveling Chair obtained state recognition this month by Finance New Mexico and made it into their monthly newsletter, complete with photo and directions to the chair’s Facebook page!
Finance New Mexico on August 15, 2018 at 4:31 PM wrote:
This is one of the most creative member benefits we’ve seen in a long time. Well done Angel Fire Chamber of Commerce You (and your chair) were mentioned in our recent article
Chambers of Commerce Offer More than Networking
Chambers of commerce are trade associations charged with creating a business-friendly environment for their members in the communities where they’re based. They do this by advocating, educating and providing a variety of publicity tools.
While most chambers have a singular mission to support commercial activity, others advocate on behalf of businesses…
To encourage commerce among members, most New Mexico chambers provide printed or online membership directories and offer networking, advertising and referrals. But because chambers of commerce reflect their communities, other member benefits can vary widely among the state’s towns and cities.
Most chambers let members advertise on their official website, the membership directory or newsletters. The ads let members know the sponsoring businesses support the local business community. Chambers also increase member visibility through occasional contests and awards.
The chamber in Angel Fire, for example, sponsors a contest to build publicity for member businesses as it encourages hometown shopping. Every Monday throughout the summer, the chamber’s brightly painted rocking chair is delivered to a different unidentified member business, where customers, staff and visitors can take “selfie” photographs in the chair and hint at its location.
These photos are posted on it’s own Facebook page, along with a positive sentence about the mystery business, and are entered in an August 31 drawing. The winner gets a cash prize, but all participating businesses win through publicity. Visit the chair’s page to see where it has visited:
More than anything, chambers encourage relationships that are built on trust and shared interests that make our communities better places for everyone.
To find chambers of commerce in New Mexico, use the search engine at or search by location using the Municipal Index tab
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