Funding Available through Lodger’s Tax awards for Your Event Advertising from the Village of Angel Fire
Are you planning an event in Angel Fire? Do you need assistance with a Lodger’s Tax funding? The Village of Angel Fire’s Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board/Committee is accepting applications for grant awards for events to be held prior to June 30, 2023. To help boost the economy and get events back in Angel Fire, the board has decided to make the grants available year round this year only, instead of a one time dead-lined process. You must turn in your request to the Angel Fire Visitor Center at least 60 days prior to your planned event. The earlier, the better. The Advisory Board meets every second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am in Village Hall.
Events to be held between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 deadline to submit, will be March 31, 2023 for event Lodger’s Tax awards.
This advisory board/committee is charged to make recommendations to the Village Council for the the allocation of Lodger’s Tax funds. This money is to be used for advertising, promotion, and events in Angel Fire. If you are planning or want to plan a summer event in Angel Fire, now is the time to place your request.
Please contact any member of the Lodger’s Tax Board or Mayor Mixon for more information:
You have until March 31, 2023 to request funding for your events that to be held prior to June 30, 2023.
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